Author(s): Tesfaledet Tsegay Mena* and Yewulseht Mengistu Haile
Adolescent girls often lack knowledge regarding reproductive health including menstruation hygiene which can be due to socio-cultural barriers in which they grow up This study was undertaken to examin e the knowledge, perception, practices and experiences of adolescent females between the ages of 10-19 years old on issues regarding menstruation and menstrual hygiene. This study is cross sectional using a non-experimental descriptive survey research. The sample size was selected using a multistage sampling technique: stratified, simple random and purposive sampling technique. The study found out that most of the adolescents used sanitary pads as absorbent during their last menses, changed menstrual dressings 2-4 times per day; most increased the frequency of bathing. Institutionalizing sexuality education in Tepi high schools; developing and disseminating sensitive adolescent reproductive health messages targeted at both; parents and their adolescent females and improving access of the young females to youth health services are vital means of meeting the reproductive health needs of the adolescent females in Tepi.