
Author(s): Bashar Hindawi, Hazem M.El-Bakry, Mervat Abu-Elkheir

NoSQL databases are widely used to handle and store data for large scale applications. Database system performance is an important quality attribute to develop software and applications because it is related to the other qualitative attributes such as availability, reliability, functionality and so on. There are no tools or software in the market to accurately measure the performance of NoSQL databases. As a result of having various levels of performance within NoSQL databases, it is important to evaluate and compare their performances to identify potential strategies. Because the evaluation process is subject to various degrees of expert opinions and preferences, it is difficult to assign the performance priorities and specify how NoSQL databases can be ranked. We propose a Fuzzy evaluation scheme that provides evaluation degrees with more precise. This scheme depends on conducting the pairwise comparisons between the alternatives in terms certain criterion. This paper implement fuzzy scheme and preliminary results will be showed clearly by total performance for each database. The numerical values are represented in the results to be easier during the ranking. This study allows the developers and system analysts to specify the most suitable database due to the application needs.