Commentary - (2022) Volume 9, Issue 3

Henry Williams*
Department of Biotechnology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
*Correspondence: Henry Williams, Department of Biotechnology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Email:

Received: Aug 05, 2022, Manuscript No. JHRMHS-22-77120; Editor assigned: Aug 08, 2022, Pre QC No. JHRMHS-22-77120 (PQ); Reviewed: Aug 23, 2022, QC No. JHRMHS-22-77120; Revised: Aug 30, 2022, Manuscript No. JHRMHS-22-77120 (R); Published: Sep 07, 2022, DOI: 10.30876/2454-5384.22.9.135


Telehealth refers to the provision of medical advice and services through computerised communication and information technology. It enables remote admissions as well as long-distance patient and clinician interaction, care, guidance, and reminders. Sometimes the term “telemedicine” is used synonymously or in a narrower meaning to refer to remote healthcare services like diagnosis and monitoring. Distance learning, meetings, supervision, and presentations between practitioners; online information and health data management; and healthcare system integration when rural settings, a lack of transportation, a lack of mobility, conditions brought on by outbreaks, epidemics, or pandemics, decreased funding, or a lack of staff restrict access to care. Robotic surgery performed remotely, physical therapy performed using digital monitoring tools, live feeds, and application combinations, tests sent between facilities for interpretation by a higher specialist, home monitoring using continuous patient health data transmission, client-to-practitioner online conferences, or even videophone interpretation during a consultation are all examples of telehealth. Telemedicine as opposed to telehealth: Although telemedicine is more prevalent than telehealth, the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

The Health Resources and Services Administration distinguishes between telehealth and telemedicine in terms of its application, defining telemedicine as only describing remote clinical services, such as diagnosis and monitoring, whereas telehealth includes the provision of preventative, promote, and curative care. This covers the non-clinical uses stated above, such as administration and provider training. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the terms “telehealth” and “telemedicine” refer to “remote clinical services” and “non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education,” respectively. The term “telemedicine” is used by the World Health Organization to describe all facets of healthcare, including preventive care. While acknowledging that telehealth is occasionally used more broadly for remote health without active clinical treatments, the American Telemedicine Association uses the words telemedicine and telehealth interchangeably. Another similar term is “eHealth,” which is mostly used in the U.K. and Europe to refer to telehealth, electronic medical records, and other aspects of health information technology.

Methods and modalities

To overcome problems with video stability and bandwidth limitations, telehealth requires participants to have good Internet access, typically in the form of a strong, dependable broadband connection and broadband mobile communication technology of at least the fourth generation or long-term evolution standard. Telehealth usage has grown more feasible as broadband infrastructure has improved. A requirements assessment, which evaluates difficulties that can be alleviated by telehealth, such as travel time, prices, or time off work, is frequently the first step in the telehealth process for healthcare practitioners. Collaborators, including tech firms, can make the shift easier.

Keep and forward

In store-and-forward telemedicine, medical data is gathered and then sent to a doctor or medical specialist at a convenient time for offline evaluation. It does not necessitate the simultaneous attendance of both parties. Asynchronous telemedicine is frequently used in the fields of pathology, radiology, and dermatology. This transfer should include a well-structured medical record, ideally in electronic form. The “store-andforward” procedure necessitates that the doctor forego a physical examination in favour of a history report and audio/video data.


Remote monitoring are medical personnel can remotely monitor a patient using a variety of technological gadgets through remote monitoring, commonly referred to as self-monitoring or testing. Managing chronic diseases or particular ailments like heart disease, diabetes mellitus, or asthma are the main uses of this technique. These services can offer patients better satisfaction and health outcomes that are comparable to those of conventional in-person patient consultations. They may also be more affordable. Improved joint management and home-based night-time dialysis are two examples.

Real-time interactive is through interactive telemedicine services that enable real-time exchanges between patients and providers, electronic consultations are made possible. Videoconferencing has been employed for many different objectives, including patient management, diagnosis, counselling, and monitoring. Videoconferencing has been employed in a variety of therapeutic disciplines and contexts.